Friday, September 09, 2005

Worst disaster of them all

Sent in by friend Susan G. This is a video still from Sky News on Irish tv.


This photo was apparently already posted on Wonkette (discovered this via East Ethnia, a cool blog). But I don't read Wonkette, home of the snarkiest of snarky snark and possibly even inventor of the snark cliche. Snark works well in DC as a circus sideshow, so Ms. Wonkette now gets to go on the talking heads shows where her head engages in snarkelly snarkification and she receives passes to political events where she can snarkify even further. That, for me, is a turn off and beyond my interests. My interests lie in the deep abyss that produces the political blackness we all live in, where snarkers are the shadow puppets of Plato's cave parable. No pretensions of climbing to the glorious sunlight of the real forms here, but shadow puppets are for enchained retards (except for some of the exceptionally lovely Indonesian ones). Giggle, snark, heh heh, funny puppets look like trees and people and ice cream.


Eric Gordy said...

But you'll agree that the snark and the deep abyss are irredeemably tied to one another, right?

helmut said...

Maybe you're right, Eric. But I don't think Wonkette, at least, spends much time in any abysses. More like snark in a little black party dress. I may be exposing some ugly Nietzschean resentment on my part (I don't own a little black party dress). Perhaps what we could use is a dictionary of blog forms -- blog-snark, blog-resentment, blog-assholery, blog-boredom, blog-syrup, blog-tacos, blog-perplexity, etc.