Friday, December 09, 2005

In Defense of Democracy in Venezuela

Signed by Eduardo Galeano, Tariq Ali, Samir Amin, Jean-Pierre Chevenement, and others.

Not sure I entirely agree. But I do think one has to admit that the opposition itself has helped to create absolute rule, the very thing it complains about happening. The opposition called a boycott, the government made concessions, the elections were democratic. Chavéz has total power. Now it remains to be seen what he does with it. As I've mentioned in my previous posts on Venezuela, there are many many good young people working in the government. Yes, there are inefficiencies, but opposition-led Venezuela was hardly a model of efficiency -- the collapse of Venezuela from a "First World" country to a "Third World" country started in the 1970s, not with Chavéz. Let's hope this government can continue to do the good it already does, and is not tempted to force "The Process" down everyone's throats. The country deserves the good version of Chavéz, not the supposed bad one.

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