Thursday, September 07, 2006

We, Neanderthals

In other news from the frontlines of ongoing devolution into global neanderthality,...
A pregnant HIV-positive woman was forced to abort her own fetus after staff in a hospital in eastern India refused to help her, officials said on Monday.

In a separate incident in the region, an infected man was stoned by people who feared he might spread the virus. He later died of his injuries.

Investigations in both cases are under way but authorities and activists said such incidents underlined how much stigma and even paranoia was attached to the disease in India...

"The hospital had no sympathy for me as I had to pull out the fetus with my hands and clean myself as health workers guided me from a distance," Roshni Mulani, a mother of a two-year-old child, told Reuters.

"They read about my HIV status from medical reports ... and threw medicines from a distance," said Mulani, who is recuperating at the house of anti-AIDS activist Ramen Pandey.


Frederick said...

what ignorance...

Anonymous said...

This certainly illustrates vivdly the paradox called India. From high-tech to "stoning" age.

MT said...

If you're going to be no more specific about geography or caste then to say this happened in India, it sounds par for the course or even mild and mundane. Like "drivebys in LA" I guess. Atrocities happen. Shouldn't we get used to it?

helmut said...

Naw, just humans.