Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Reversal backflip double-axel anti-semitism

Max Sawicky writes on some of the incessant attacks on Cindy Sheehan,

As far as I can tell, the only source for the accusations that Cindy Sheehan is an anti-semite are the following words:

"Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel."

The descriptions in question:

Christopher Hitchens: ". . . announcing that he [Casey Sheehan] was killed in a war for a Jewish cabal? (A claim that has brought David Duke flying to Ms. Sheehan's side.)"

Israpundit: "[S]he believes that a dark cabal of Jews is running the US government"

So the veracity of Hitchens and Israpundit should be clear.

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