Saturday, September 10, 2005

Does Bush actually like disaster?

I'm more than halfway serious about this question. Maybe 74-78% serious. Here's a Reuters article on Yahoo: Firms with Bush ties snag Katrina deals.

Seems like Bush and his friends benefit from every disaster he helps create, while other Americans and non-Americans pay a heavy price, often by giving up their lives. Isn't that at least somewhat curious? Am I guilty of tinfoil-helmet-ness combined with a dose of back pain medicine?

All I can say is that if you want to join that 1% who own 20% of the country's wealth, you should find a way to make friends with the Bush family. And don't do it by being black and scaring Barbara Bush into believing you might want to remain in Texas. Be white first of all (or act really white -- i.e., be "articulate"), have an MBA or quickie law degree (B-'s and C's are fine), dress in Chanel and shop at Saks, have a collection of failed and corrupt business deals on your resume where you managed to avoid paying employees any benefits or severance, learn to say "apple pie, baseball, and freeance" when talking to the little ugly people with their grubby little hands (remember to wear gloves), use the name of God when it suits your cause of remaining in the 1% (or 10% if you're just a little bit lazy, like the poor), and remember that truth and the good and valuable are whatever you want to make of them since Americans will believe absolutely anything. If you place a stick in an aquarium, the stick actually bends! The moon was made by Kraft's petroleum-products department. Taxes break the 11th Commandment. Make up your own commandments!

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