Friday, November 11, 2005

Guy Under Federal Investigation Addresses Federalists

Karl Rove, addressing the Federalist Society yesterday:
Turning serious, Rove condemned a series of judicial decisions, including a Massachusetts court ruling in favor of same-sex marriage. "We will see one of two things come to pass," he said. "The courts will on their own reform themselves and return to their proper role in American public life, or we will see more public support for constitutional amendments and legislation to rein them in."
My guess is that he really suspects that the latter will happen, as he's got to know about the limitations of self-reform. More importantly, I've never understood how the kind of ruling he's identifying as pernicious can be called "legislating from the bench" without explanation. I know, I know: he was addressing the Federalist Society and is acutely audience-aware. Still. Are we collectively stupid enough not to think about this a little harder? Is that what he's thinking? I'm sure some of his remarks--specious and incomprehensible as they may be--will start bouncing around FOX like a superball in a bomb shelter. But don't many of us know this is made up? Aren't lots of us aware of the tremendous influence the Bush administration has already had on the courts?

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