Wednesday, January 04, 2006

In giving them a reason for us to bomb them news...

In a clumsy effort to sabotage Iran's nuclear program, the CIA in 2004 intentionally handed Tehran some top-secret bomb designs laced with a hidden flaw that U.S. officials hoped would doom any weapon made from them, according to a new book about the U.S. intelligence agency.

But the Iranians were tipped to the scheme by the Russian defector hired by the CIA to deliver the plans and may have gleaned scientific information useful for designing a bomb, writes New York Times reporter James Risen in "State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration."

1 comment:

Neil Shakespeare said...

So the guy told them where the flaws were and now they HAVE our top-secret bomb designs? You're goin' a heckuva job, CIA. You know, this might even top Brownie!