Saturday, February 04, 2006

Blogger frustration

And there ain't no cure for it. I'm losing posts and comments left and right today - just disappearing into the void-o-sphere. It's a Blogger glitch. They say they're working on it. So far that has cost me my longest post of the day -- an update to the cartoonry post below and comments sent in from "Muslim," both of which are now apparently lost.

Anyway, if you leave comments and they don't show up, that's the problem. I don't delete comments unless they're spam.


For those of you who don't use it, Blogger was down for about five hours this afternoon/evening. Thus, the dearth of posts and comments on Blogger blogs.

Apart from the lost posts and comments, the template here is messed up too. Let's see if it heals itself by the light of the morn.


Anonymous said...

WordPress now imports Blogger efforlessly. Just a couple of clicks and your Blogger blog is in WordPress.

helmut said...

Thanks, Bob. I'll look into it.