Sunday, February 19, 2006

Makin' shit up

You've got to hand one thing to Bush, I would feel utter shame and intellectual humiliation saying the sorts of things he does. Lala-boy is anesthetized to the planet, or three sheets to the wind.
Before authorizing the National Security Agency to conduct warrantless surveillance inside the United States, President Bush said Friday that he first made sure such an order was legal.

"See, I take that oath of office seriously," Bush told an audience of about 500 people at Tampa Port Authority's Terminal 3, one of three stops he made during an afternoon-long visit to Central Florida.

"I said, 'Is it legal?' I'm asking this to the attorney general of the United States, the legal counsel in the White House; NSA has got lawyers. I mean, a lot of lawyers looked at this, and they said, 'You bet, Mr. President, it's legal.' And they gave me the legal ramifications."

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