Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Gordon Parks, who captured the struggles and triumphs of black America as a photographer for Life magazine and then became Hollywood's first major black director with "The Learning Tree" and the hit "Shaft," died Tuesday, his family said. He was 93.


Neil Shakespeare said...

Yeah, I saw that. 93 though. Not bad.

roxtar said...

If you haven't seen "Shaft" lately (which he directed) I recommend it to your attention. It's quite a good movie.

Also, he actually played piano in a whorehouse. Can any man aspire to more?

helmut said...

I actually did see "Shaft" again recently. Played on AMC or something like that. Parks opened up a whole world.

I saw a photo exhibit by him at the fabulous Laguna Gloria Museum in Austin many many years ago and have been a fan ever since, mainly of his photos.

Look at that one of Ingrid Bergman. Brilliant. And, I thought, somehow a fitting epitaph.

helmut said...

Neil - I suppose the thing about the "damn" can run two ways. One is when the person died too young or too painfully. This isn't Parks' case. The other is when we the living lose someone of great value, and know that this person isn't going to create for us any longer. That's a hole left in the world.