Friday, April 14, 2006


Here's a personal photo of Dhaulagiri, Nepal to go along with that earlier story about water moving uphill. The quality isn't great as this is a digital photo taken from a print.


MT said...

Is that aroundabout Tato pani and are those rhododendrons? I wish I had a guess for the time of year, but I can't remember when the snow is deepest. I'm guessing that's more snow on Dhaulagiri than the year-round average.

helmut said...

Not too far. It's from Poon Hill. This is looking north. The Annapurnas are to the east and the Kali Gandaki Valley towards the northeast. The plants are indeed rhododendrons, but I had missed the blooms.

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful.

MT said...

Poon Hill...I should have guessed. I caught some dregs of the bloom. So I hereby guess you were there in April. Shall I start to sing? "Oh, I prefer Jomsom in the Springtime..." Sorry. Nostalgia is a terrible thing.

helmut said...

I really can't remember when I was there. Thnis would take getting out my journals - in boxes somewhere in the closets.

A song would be nice. Kagbeni Goodman.