Saturday, April 08, 2006

More on the leaks that are not leaks if the anti-leaker in chief leaks the leaks

Without specifically acknowledging Bush's actions in the Libby case, White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters: "There were irresponsible and unfounded accusations being made against the administration suggesting that we had manipulated or misused that intelligence. We felt it was very much in the public interest that what information could be declassified be declassified."


Neil Shakespeare said...

Oh god, I can smell the lyin' fart from here.

troutsky said...

Couldnt they just think of another euphimism for leak and call it that,maybe The War on Plugs.

helmut said...

Newsweek has a nice summary today. Looks like the two defenses are: 1. Bush okayed an abstract idea of leaking while Libby carried out the details on Cheney's command. So, Bush can't be nailed down; 2. The declassified information defense. But note the timeframe on this one. It was declassified after the leak.

Democrats accuse Bush of being hypocritical. That's so lame. Hypocrisy has no sticking power - a bit of political damage and that's it. I think we ought to be talking treason.