Sunday, April 09, 2006

Paranoiac jitters

Watch this 9-11 video (via Murky Thoughts) for your Sunday evening conspiracy kicks.


This post in no way suggests that MT is paranoid or otherwise. Any apparent reference to persons living or dead or events are merely coincidental. When one links to conspiratorial links one implicates oneself in the chain of conspiraisicality, regardless of the intentions of the previous linker. The author of this blog accepts all responsibility. The "paranoiac jitters" in the title of this post refer solely to the author's reaction. Thank you for reading, and be afraid, be very very afraid....

1 comment:

MT said...

Who you calling "paranoid"?! Great, now everybody thinks I'm paranoid and it's open season on everything I say! Et tu Brute? Et tu? That's it. Time to go under ultra-deep super-cover. I'll be blogging under the same psuedonym, of course, but with five hundred times the anonymity! Let my enemies take a bite of that apple!