Sunday, August 13, 2006

Are the assholes in season?

I've been in need of a healthy meal of a greasy burger and a mess of fries for awhile now and finally did something about it last night. I went with some friends to a local purveyor of said gastronomic delights where the gastronoms were delightful as always. Not so delightful was a fellow diner that I couldn't help overhearing as he set about solving the terrorism problem. Here's a rough recap (and I had to hear this before we got the pitcher of PBR):
So what we have to do is get rid of the ACLU, because they're keeping us from arresting them. We know what terrorists look like. They don't look like you, they don't look like us. They look like terrorists. We should just arrest all of the ones who look like terrorists.
I'm just going to ignore the second part about knowing what terrorists look like because they look like terrorists. It's the first part that I really like, that it's the ACLU that's keeping us from arresting all of the terrorists who look like terrorists so they must be terrorists. (Q.E.D.) What I want to know is,
where did all this power that the ACLU wields over our justice system come from? How could an organization made up of a bunch of America-hating, terrorist-loving liberals hold our great nation hostage to its demands? They must have a secret. Something that they lord over the government that keeps it from doing what should be done. But what, what could it be? Oh, I remember now, it's the goddamn Bill of Rights for starters.

I thought about pointing out to him that getting rid of the ACLU was just the beginning. After that, he'd have
to go after the candy asses responsible for this whole Bill of Rights thing in the first place. Maybe suggest that he could get its name changed to the more appropriate "Bill of Terrorist Coddling" before putting it through the shredder too. I thought about pointing these things out, but I didn't because I was thinking about enjoying my meal too. I also realized that there was a bright side to all of this. Once he gets rid of the ACLU and all of the black magic they use to control us, we can start rounding up all of the assholes too, and I know what one of them looks like.


Unknown said...

I also have heard quite a few comments like this one especially the second part followed by the obligatory "you don't really look like one plus you are not muslim". Hilarious everytime I hear it... you cannot spot a..hole right away but as soon as they start talking, it's much easier.

helmut said...

Them's good eatin.'

troutsky said...

I was cruising reactionary sites last night (wierd sport) and many were talking about "extermination" and "annihilation". Wasnt the last century enough fun for these guys?