Thursday, August 17, 2006

Created in Squid's Image

The first ever deep-sea video captured of a free swimming giant squid has led some Japanese academians to proclaim the elusive creature as a sentient divine being who "created Man and the Universe".

This seemingly fantastic notion has not yet been addressed, let alone accepted, by main-stream theologians, still tussling between the sharply contrasting Hindu belief that the Universe arose from a cosmic egg, that God lived within this cosmic egg, and upon agitating it, the egg was cracked open and creation began, and the African Boshongu belief that in the primordial beginning there was only darkness, water, and the great god Bumba, who in pain from a stomach ache, vomited up the sun and earth.

Other creation myths currently being considered for validity include the Aztec belief that Tezcatlipoca the Jaguar made himself into the sun, but was knocked into the ocean by Quetzalcoatl and the Mongol belief a goldeneye duck plucked mud from the bottom of an ocean covered earth and created inhabitable land.

Professor Yoshiro Yamato of the University of Nagoya scoffed at such absurdly quaint and primitive allegorical creation myths, claiming the divinity of giant squid is far more tangible and concrete, citing, "After all, we do have it on tape and at least you can see it."
And that's certainly one up on the Judeo-Christian god.


For you visiting Pharyngulists, please take a look around Phronesisaical and come back and see us again. It's not biology we discuss most of the time, but we take evolutionary theory to an entirely different plane and apply it to pretty much everything else.

Oh, and comments are more than welcome.


While we're at it, here's some news on the Mongolian Death Worm.


Anonymous said...

How about a link to the video?

helmut said...

Try here - - for the video.

helmut said...

I should note that the video does not show the giant squid giving birth to humans.

melior said...

Until His next appearance, we should all venerate the sacred undersea video camera that revealed His Presence.

Remember this calamari in His Name.

Anonymous said...

have you seen

helmut said...

Anon - I did see that. Looked mostly like a feral dog to me. I didn't quite understand the hoopla.

Melior - nice, the video camera as priest or church. Lemon juice and breading as the sacrament.

helmut said...

Marinara, Devil Juice.

What are the cosmic implications of having been given life by a squid and then eating the squid (of course, with delicious fresh lemon juice and perhaps a dash of garlic)?

Anonymous said...

What, not a single reference to Cthulhu *or* the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

Anonymous said...

Helmut said:
What are the cosmic implications of having been given life by a squid and then eating the squid

Probably about the same as consuming the flesh and blood of humanity's redeemer. :-)

helmut said...

Oh, yeah. I always thought eating and drinking Jesus was kind of sick.

MT said...

But it's the meat and juice of Jesus that contains all the holy vitamins!

helmut said...

Plus the hair is great for weaving baskets.