Friday, August 18, 2006

Horrors Never Ceasing

Over the last six years in Bizzaro World, I've found myself missing the mind of Ronald Reagan. I've pined for Henry Kissinger's wisdom. I've even thought, "why, oh why, couldn't the nation have chosen somebody as respectful of our Constitution as Richard Nixon?" But today something happened that was so strange, so unbelievable, so unthinkable that, well, I'd never thought of it. Unimaginable, inconceivable, that's what it was. Not in even in bad trips or malarial fever nightmares would I ever have come up with this, but it happened, it's true and it's real:

I missed Dan Quayle as Vice President.


helmut said...

Well we do have a Dan Quayle-like mind in the office of the president.

helmut said...

I agree. It is true that Quayle's turds smelled like turds. And I think he understood this and this is why he never shat in public like Rumsfeld does.