Friday, September 01, 2006

Democratic Citizens

Peter Levine discusses his forthcoming book on democracy and civic education.
In my view, we need a broad movement that improves civic education while it also reforms the institutions in which citizens engage. We must prepare citizens for politics, but also improve politics for citizens. Neither effort can succeed in isolation from the other. Educational curricula, textbooks, and programs, if disconnected from the goal of strengthening and improving democracy, can easily become means of accommodating young people to a flawed system. But political reform is impossible until we better prepare the next generation of citizens with appropriate knowledge, skills, habits, and values. Students should feel that they are being educated for citizenship, but also that they can help to renew American democracy.


troutsky said...

Have i got some boks for them!

troutsky said...

that would be books.

helmut said...

They could learn about boks in books.