Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Illegals Want to Hurt Your Dogs

It's just like Tom Tancredo said: "They're coming here to kill you, and you, and me, and my grandchildren [and my hunting dogs]." Big, Big Cats are crossing the Mexican border into the U.S., roaming through territory that used to be theirs. I think it's a conspiracy on the part of migratory wildlife to reclaim that land for Mexico . . . the story details the pernicious dealings of a host of non-profit organizations helping the jaguars.

A couple cool photos in the story, too, taken by Warren Glen (rancher, alliterati); these are among the only pictures of jaguars in the U.S.

Shortly after lunch one of the hunting dogs, Powder, disappeared. “Then one of the cowboys found him and said he has a huge hole in his neck and shoulder,” Mr. Glenn said. “Something had pounded the pudding out of Powder. I thought it might be a feral hog or a boar javelina. It couldn’t be a lion. They don’t mess with dogs.”

Picking up a scent, Mr. Glenn’s five other hounds took off. He gave chase and soon got to within a hundred yards of the commotion. “I looked up and in the shade of a big cedar tree, I could see a big cat, dark in the shade. I thought, they have a big tom lion,” he said. “I moved in closer. The cat charged the dogs. They scattered like quail. Then I saw it was a jaguar.”

Mr. Glenn grabbed his camera and started shooting.

The jaguar caught another dog, Copper, bit him on the back and released him. When the hound Rietta moved in, the cat grabbed him with one paw, then another, and delivered two quick bites in the rump.

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