Saturday, December 02, 2006

Three Climate Change Pieces

Well worth your reading:

: A Dream Blown Away

The Guardian: Nepal's farmers on the front line of global climate change

RealClimate: A Linkage Between the LIA and Gulf Stream?

The first article discusses one of the key structural features I believe necessary to make some political headway on climate change efforts in the US. Look, the insurance industry flirts with the devil, but it just may be the way to create a concrete impact on American psyches, which the abstract requirements of an international treaty may not be able to do.

The second article is on impacts of climate change in Nepal. The Nepalese case is a complex tragedy in which deforestation, and severe poverty, come into contact with climatic changes.

The third piece, from the terrific blog RealClimate, discusses recent research on the relation between climate fluctuations and the "Little Ice Age" in 14th- to 18th-century Europe.


troutsky said...

I just happened to see Gores movie last night, he touched briefly on rising insurance pay outs but i was wondering how they protect their ass.As for the N Carolina Buchanans, I hope they drown in their nine bathroom "palace".A little harsh, yes.But NINE bathrooms?

helmut said...

Insurance companies raise their rates! So, we end up paying higher prices for the damaging effects of climate change. Brilliant!