Talking and writing about migrants has become tricky: what leads people to feel angry about immigrants in America -- for as long as we have had what is presently characterized as a “national debate” (nothing about popular and popularly-accessible discourse about immigration can really be called a “debate,” can it?) -- what seems to anger people, or to scare them, about migrants is difference. Am I wrong about this? People make all kinds of claims that sound logical: immigrants take jobs from Americans, they are a strain on health care and educational systems, they drive like crazy lunatics. The closest people will come to articulating their fear of the less-than-white Other from the South is to claim that their value systems are incompatible with American democracy, that folks capable of making two-thousand-mile continental journeys -- trips totally unimaginable, I think, for most Americans, in their sordidness and difficulty and even in their natural and human landscapes -- sustained by little more than faith in the Virgin cannot possibly be expected to understand the rich heritage of civil democracy in our country, cannot really be expected to “contribute.” Setting aside the degree to which the majority of Americans themselves fail to “contribute” (and ignoring the absurd reality that we congratulate one another for casting votes and behave as though this constitutes contribution), this concern strikes me as most worth discussion. Even (especially?) if it amounts to little more than veiled fear: it could only help all of us to talk a little more plainly about what it means to be a citizen, to take that discussion beyond simplistic claims in which taxes buy things like “education” for people like “our children.” I admit that imagining that our putative debate could ever become a discussion is crazy optimism.
In addition to the billions of dollars of material goods that flow freely back and forth through Laredo, we continue unconscionably to export -- La Señora de Chiva never tires of pointing out -- the dream. It’s still our favorite story, and it has been wonderfully mixed up since the start: is it about hard work? Yes! Is it about leisure? Yes! Is it about wealth? Of course! Is it about living modestly and responsibly? Yes! Is it about working for yourself? Yes! Is it about fencing off the land your great-grandfather worked and insisting that it is rightfully yours? Damned straight! See this gun?
Who, John Smith wanted to know,
would liue at home idly (or thinke in himselfe any worth to liue) onely to eate, drink, and sleepe, and so die? Or by consuming that carelesly, his friends got worthily? Or by vsing that miserably, that maintained vertue honestly? Or, for being descended nobly, pine with the vaine vaunt of great kindred, in penurie? Or (to maintaine a silly shewe of brauery) toyle out thy heart, soule, and time, basely, by shifts, tricks, cards, & dice? [ . . . ] But rich men for the most part are growne to that dotage, through their pride in their wealth, as though there were no accident could end it, or their life.
Seriously. Who wants to live like that, spending his inheritance carelessly, sponging off of hardworking friends? Those “men of small means” who want the satisfaction of providing for themselves should head to New England, Smith tells his readers, because
Who can desire more content, that hath small meanes; or but only his merit to aduance his fortune, then to tread, and plant that ground hee hath purchased by the hazard of his life? If he haue but the taste of virtue, and magnanimitie, what to such a minde can bee more pleasant, then planting and building a foundation for his Posteritie, gotte from the rude earth, by Gods blessing & his owne industrie, without preiudice to any?
On the other hand, Smith tries the abundance angle:
Heer nature and liberty affords vs that freely, which in England we want, or it costeth vs dearely. What pleasure can be more, then (being tired with any occasion a-shore) in planting Vines, Fruits, or Hearbs, in contriuing their owne Grounds, to the pleasure of their owne mindes, their Fields, Gardens, Orchards, Buildings, Ships, and other works, &c. to recreate themselues before their owne doores, in their owne boates vpon the Sea, where man woman and childe, with a small hooke and line, by angling, may take diuerse sorts of excellent fish, at their pleasures ? And is it not pretty sport, to pull vp two pence, six pence, and twelue pence, as fast as you can hale and veare a line?
Fish for leisure, and get rich at it. Smith, of course, was open about the fact that he was looking for passage back to America: he was hoping for some green immigrants to shepherd to the New World. It was a pitch: pick the part of the dream you want: the honor of hard work, fish jumping into your boat, whatever. John Smith, our first coyote. Well, except he failed at that, too.
OK, even for a bloggy rumination, I can see this getting out of hand. We’ll spend more time at the Casa in coming weeks, partly in preparation to travel to Casas in Guatemala – in Guatemala City and Tecun Uman – and Chiapas in March to assist in the production of a documentary being made by a colleague. I’ll plan to post what I’m able both before and after that trip.
Looking forward to it!
?yo quiero saber porque creen los gueros que ellos pueden salvar los frijolitos con ojos chocolate? Que bueno que Uds. pueden servir comida...jaja...pendejos. Gastan su dinero y tiempo! La cosa es que este chivo con barba tiene un "compleccion de Dios" y el no puede hacer nada mal. Habla mucho pero todos lo creen loco. The thing I want to know is why do you spend so much time helping people outside of your country when there are those in Encinal and Laredo that could use your mentoring or fostering, or local funds. Why don't you tutor some local kids for once. I have been to Encinal. It's a roughneck shantytown and a haven for eclectics. Let me guess you have a ratty car too because it's a prerveted fashion statement? (its meant to be spelled wrong) What I am saying is...It's like donating money to a Britney Spears for World Hunger Telethon (where your time and money is wasted on publicity and advertisement) instead of supporting your local programs where your services, time, and dollars are needed the most. Where were you when I was a teenager with my parents being separated and I had no food but for some reason we didn't qualify for food stamps? What about the times I could have used a mentor/tutor because I was failing miserably because I was an emotionally upset teen. Well, you seem to be able to provide those things...right? You are just as bad as a deadbeat dad who spends all his time with his fickle and greedy girlfriend and spends cash buying her spoiled kids presents instead of taking care of his own. Shame on you. Shame on your pointless idealistic rants. I am ashamed that there are people like you living in the USA reaping the benefits of everything here and then spitting not only in her beautiful eye, but actually hawking a loogey at her. -BigBrownEyed-Hispanic-Boy-Who-Learned-to-Be-Weary-of-People-Like-You!
I appreciate your taking the time to comment, BigBrownEyed-Hispanic-Boy, but I want to defend myself on a couple of counts:
I spend a lot of time working in Encinal -- I've served as a city council member here, and I spend a lot of my time and money on a local non profit -- mainly dedicated to providing after-school programs for kids, but also the site for GED and ESL classes and whatever else we can raise the money to offer. You're right, though, that all of this is uncomfortably colored by my, well, my color and relative privilege. I don't want to be the fattened outsider who thinks he can save the natives. I just feel like I've made this shantytown my home and I owe it to the people around me to contribute to my community.
I think my car is pretty nice, but it's a little more than ten years old. It's not ratty.
Mostly, I'm not sure what was idealistic about my post -- I won't disagree with your characterization of it as a rant, but I think it's more like a ramble. Was it my desire that Americans could stop talking about migrants as scary (see Tom Tancredo: "they're here to kill your family.") Or that we might recognize that the issue is a really complicated economic and social one? I don't think the simplistic national discussion about immigration is getting us anywhere good.
I think everyday about the advantages I get just by virtue of being born in the US -- it's easy to do that when you see migrants walking by your house in groups every week. I value those advantages, and I have long believed that loving my country -- I do -- means that I'm obliged to participate in its civic discussions, even when I would rather not.
I'll say in closing that I meant no unkindness to John Smith -- he was a badass, no doubt about it. But I think it's fascinating what we can see in his early impressions of what would become the United States. That promise of prosperity and a life of leisure has always fueled a sense of possibility in the United States that has fomented our successes here; it's the one that has always drawn people into this country, to our great benefit.
I'm glad you read the post. Thanks for the response.
I believe bigbrownedeyed boy might have some serious childhood trauma so I would very much like to recommend a therapist. Mr. Luiz Diaz at The Lighthouse- professional counseling service in Laredo might be able to help. Mr. Diaz specializes in behavioral therapy and will help you develop new life skills, change negative attitudes to positives, challenge hurtful beliefs, and help you understand how the past influences the present. I feel Mr. Diaz can certainly help bigbrownedeyed boy deal with his childhood traumas ( such as lack of after school tutors....).
Please call 956-645-3798 immediately and set up an appointment. Se habla español!!!!!!
Anonymous and Mr. Diaz specialize in...rhetoric for a fast buck. Both of you are probably egg rubbing curanderos/charlatans (notice that he's not a "DR." Diaz). Check this out, "...professional counseling service in Laredo." I'm laughing so hard I got a cramp in my abdomen!
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