Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wright Links

  • Andrew Sullivan posts Jeremiah Wright's full "Audacity to Hope" sermon from 1990.
  • Obama's church accuse the media of character assassination.
  • Columbia Journalism Review points out - yet again - the double standard regarding media treatment of Obama's pastor and meida treatment of McCain's truly crazy "spiritual guide," Rod Parsley. Not to mention Pastor John Hagee. Frankly, Wright has said a few questionable things, at least for sensitive media and über-patriot tastes. But his criticisms are directed at actually existing problems. Parsley's and Hagee's agendas are far-right ideological programs against people not like them, often calling for the use of violence.
  • Jonathan Schwarz decides he kind of likes Wright.
  • Dennis Perrin says this:
Jeremiah Wright's supposedly inflammatory statements about 9/11 and the ongoing specter of racism are uncontroversial to those following the real world. We live in horrific, corrupt times, and while I don't agree with everything Wright says, he's certainly not speaking fiction, primarily when it comes to American foreign policy. We are hated not so much for our freedoms, such as they are, but specifically for our mass murder, our torture, our occupations. There are other, cultural elements that are part of the overall mix, yet they are doubtless secondary to those seeking refuge from our cluster bombs and client armies. Wright's sermons about reaping what you sow is nothing new, especially in the Christian tradition. But to hear cable chatters and assorted reactionaries tell it, such time-honored concepts don't apply to the United States. The God who watches over us and guides our trigger-happy hand excuses any and all slaughter committed in His Holy Name. He wouldn't have endorsed that song about how He blesses us were the opposite the case.

I've been pretty hard on the Obama campaign, and still am; but if anything would soften my view, it's this bullshit furor over Jeremiah Wright. If you are white and don't listen to black talk radio, now would be a good time to start. Wright's opinions are not deemed crazy there, and you'll hear much stronger denunciations of imperialism and racism than you ever will on a white liberal's show. Sure, some dementia is present: this is America, after all. But contrast the opinions exchanged between African-Americans to those expressed on the corporate kabuki programs, or worse, white reactionary broadcasts. Which do you think is closer to what's actually going on?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More on the larger context here: