From today's edition of the Indian Express Pune Newsline. Photo: Pavan Khengre.
Pina Bausch has died and I am devastated. I've been thinking a lot about Pina recently. I had been going over her oeuvre again and I realized how enormous her influence has been on me and other artists. I'm devastated because she was so much more than a "grand dame of dance." She transcended the art and her influence was felt well beyond dance. Today, it's not possible to talk about the shape of contemporary art without talking about Pina Bausch.
I'm devastated because I believe that no other artist will emerge in my lifetime with such influence on generations of our imaginations. I had the pleasure to discover her group at its birth and will never forget the first time that I saw them dance in Pina's "Café Müller" at Théâtre de la Ville in Paris. You could always feel her beauty and generosity.
Goodbye Madame Bausch. We humbly bow to you.
According to the artists, these scenes of ecological nightmares are “experimental set-up[s]” in which “the viewer is forced to reconsider traditional modes of animal presentation and simultaneously to question the authenticity of concepts which are restaging 'natural' environments while they are increasingly endangered.”
There is a lady called Elena Montilla in a little town in the middle of Panama called Ocù. She’s one of the last panama hat makers since they are almost all made in Ecuador these days. But though Ocù’s hat industry may be dwindling, Angolan pizza manufacture is on the up there. The main square is home to Pizza Angola – a one man mission to bring pizza to Panama along with some fine African music while you wait. And how did this Angolan fellow end up in Ocù? Via the Ukraine obviously! Turns out he won a scholarship to the university in Kiev at the same time as a girl from Ocù. They met, got married and he moved to Panama and started a pizza joint.At Benn Loxo.
The challenge is not to inform everybody about everything but the way politics deals with the challenges of science and technology. It is clear that when it comes to science and technology issues, our system of electing people who afterwards decide for us, together with the experts, on nuclear energy for example, is not sufficient anymore. It leads to conflicts one day after another. The crucial challenge for European society is to invent a new form of democracy which can face the wealth, complexity and importance of science and technology issues in contemporary society.
...skeptics of mainstream development and mainstream agricultural science have powerful reasons to believe that it is time to look at an alternative approach. They may not have a persuasive vision of the alternative, but the jaundiced view they take on the agricultural technologies of the 20th century means that they are unlikely to take claims of promised benefits by the boosters of agricultural biotechnology very seriously.This skepticism has very little to do with the use of genetic engineering, concerns about “playing God” or “yuk factor” responses to GMOs. It does not even rely particularly strongly on risks that biotechnology poses for biodiversity. It is a mindset whose pivots are found in the way that agricultural science has abetted technology-driven processes that lead to more and more concentration of ownership. The fact that biotechnology has become embroiled in controversies over patents only heightens a concern about concentration and control that exists independently of intellectual property conventions or the idea of “owning life.”
...they are playing their usual card of blaming the uprising on foreign terrorists and the US. In this, the neoconservative call for Obama to join the uprising is exactly what Khamenei wants. But the Islamists may finally have an intelligent foe in Washington, rather than a clueless ideological one.Ditto.
I received the following message this morning from Arif Noorbaksh, a friend of mine from UT days who lives in Austin. The events in Iran have struck especially close to home for him:
This morning, we got news that my grandfather, Dr. Ebrahim Yazdi, was arrested. He was Foreign Minister under the post-revolution provisional government and is currently Secretary-General of the Freedom Movement of Iran (FMI). He was at a Tehran-area hospital being treated for dehydration due to a gastrointestinal ailment, and our news is that they arrested and took him from the hospital to an undisclosed location...He's a reformer...I need to publicize this...they are less likely to kill him if his name is all over the place.The title of this post links to an interview with Yazdi in Reuters published on June 15. From that interview:
TEHRAN, June 15 (Reuters) - An opposition politician said on Monday that Iran's disputed presidential election had exposed deepening divisions in the establishment and the Islamic Republic faced its biggest crisis since the 1979 revolution.
Ebrahim Yazdi, leader of the banned Freedom Movement, also said seven of its members had been detained after last Friday's vote and warned of worsening "political suppression" in Iran.
"It is a turning point in the history of the Islamic Republic," he told Reuters in an interview in his Tehran home.
Howard LaFranchi at CSM asks what the 'Obama Effect' will be on the Iranian revolution. Although it was not decisive, scientific polling in Lebanon suggests that Obama did have an effect in the defeat of the Hezbollah coalition, "March 8", in Lebanon, even if it was a slight one.On the other hand... Fred Kaplan.
The long ordeal of Mohammed El-Gharani, Guantánamo’s youngest prisoner, has finally come to an end. Reprieve, the legal action charity that represents him, reports today that he has been sent back to Chad. A Saudi resident and Chadian national, El-Gharani was just 14 years old when he was seized by Pakistani forces in a random raid on a mosque in Karachi, but was treated appallingly both by the Pakistanis who seized him, and by the US military.
The only useful definition of human rights is one where a human rights crusader could identify WHOSE rights are being violated and WHO is the violator... Poverty does not fit this definition of rights. Who is depriving the poor of their right to an adequate income? There are many theories of poverty, but few of them lead to a clear identification of the Violator of this right. Moreover, human rights are a clear dichotomy – someone violates your rights or they do not. But the line between poor and not-poor is arbitrary – it is different in different countries, and on a global scale, many still argue what is the right dividing line that constitutes poverty. So calling poverty a “human rights violation” does not point to any concrete actions that the “violator” must stop in order to restore rights to the “violated.”Blattman adds,
Unfortunately, I fear the rights-based approach to poverty is about as effective as its ideological predecessor (see central planning) and has even less intellectual content... I could wave aside the philosophical quarrels if I thought the rights approach to poverty worked in practice. Unfortunately, I fear it reinforces all of the mistakes of past aid: it ignores the agency and the incentives of the poor; it focuses less on creating opportunities and structuring incentives, and more on public works and handouts. As an advocacy and fundraising mechanism, however, the rights approach may be unmatched.I wonder what "works in practice" means here. In a historical moment in which we've come to understand that "development" and "aid" have become controversial concepts themselves for myriad reasons (from ideological to practical), and in which there are multiple competing definitions of poverty (see this book for an overview) and human rights (see here, for example), the object of Easterly's and Blattman's claims is unclear.
«La chose qui a été impressionnante, a rapporté un serveur, c'est qu'il y a quelqu'un qui goûte les plats. Donc pour les cuisiniers ce n'est pas très agréable au début, mais en fait c'est quelqu'un de très agréable et détendu, donc ça s'est très bien passé».
"What was impressive is that there is someone who tastes the food [a Secret Service "taster"]. So, for the cooks [the president's visit] wasn't very pleasant at first, but he is in fact a very likeable and relaxed person, so it all went very well."
You get along with people when you treat them like human beings. You get along with the French when you appreciate their cuisine. Please add these two notes to the guide to being a US president.
Update: I corrected the overlooked and most important part of this line. It changes the entire post. Pretty much screws up the point. Oh well. But thanks for the correction.
I guess when it comes to defining "terrorist" the crucial distinction is whether you're Christian or Muslim.[Police Chief Stuart Thomas] said the gunman targeted the military but was not believed to be part of a broader scheme.
Interviews with police showed that Muhammad "probably had political and religious motives for the attack," the police chief said.
Thomas said Muhammad would be charged with first-degree murder, plus 15 counts of committing a terroristic act. He said those counts result from the gunfire occurring near other people.