Sunday, September 04, 2005

Some more "no shit" news

Bush rhetoric bends the truth, from Gulfnews:
The Iraqi insurgency is in its last throes. The economy is booming. Anybody who leaks a CIA agent's identity will be fired. Add another piece of White House rhetoric that doesn't match the public's view of reality: Help is on the way, Gulf Coast.

As New Orleans descended into anarchy, President George W. Bush and his emergency-response team congratulated each other Friday for jobs well done and spoke of water, food and troops pouring into the ravaged city. Television pictures told a different story.

"What it reminded me of the other day is 'Baghdad Bob' saying there are no Americans at the airport," said Rich Galen, a Republican consultant in Washington.

He was referring to Saddam Hussain's reality-challenged minister of information who denied the existence of US troops in the Iraqi capital.

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