Thursday, August 17, 2006

The world we live in today

The woman was carrying hand cream and matches but was not a terrorist threat, said Christopher White, a Transportation Security Administration spokesman.


Kevin Wolf said...

I usually carry a pocket knife, so I'm surely on somebody's threat list.

helmut said...

A pocket knife and hand cream? Don't tell me jello. Or dish soap. Frightening times, Kevin, and you're scaring me.

roxtar said...

If she also had some Marlboros and a box of Kleenex, she could make some fella verrrrry happy.....

helmut said...

I was thinking the same thing, Roxtar, but was too sheepish to say it. Now that you've opened the floodgates, I'll admit that I bring my dildo collection and a bucket of squid on board every flight.

Anonymous said...

Hand cream may contain glycerin, and the matches may contain nitrates. So she was probably setting up to synthesize nitroglycerin and blog up the plane.

I should say that later reports are mixed, but they seem to be saying that these earlier reports were incorrect. However, the later reports say that she urinated in the aisle, probably in an attempt to recover urea to add to the dreadful mix.

Never underestimate the ingenuity of the terrorists.


helmut said...

We need a new name for the kind of terror that is generated by someone innocent of terroristic intentions being treated as a terrorist thus causing terror in everyone else around, although no terroristic intentions ever played a role and the authorities actually caused the terror.

helmut said...

"Autopoietic Terror." That's it.