Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Clinton's Fault

Josh Marshall:

So Clinton strikes deal to keep plutonium out of the North Koreans' hands. The deal keeps the plutonium out of reach for the last six years of Clinton's term and the first two of Bush's. Bush pulls out of the deal. Four years later a plutonium bomb explodes.

Clinton's fault, right?

There's certainly an argument to be made that you don't make agreements with parties you don't trust, like the North Koreans. And perhaps President Bush would have had some leg to stand on if he'd pulled out of the Agreed Framework and replaced it with something better -- either force or a better agreement. But he didn't. He just did nothing for four years. Now we have plutonium, probably uranium and actual bombs. And according to McCain, it's all Bill Clinton's fault.

John McCain is a demagogue. Now he's trying to score political points with that old canard, "Clinton did it." Only the rabid right still buys this one. The Republicans are indeed the party of personal responsibilty, aren't they?


roxtar said...

He endorsed the Minuteman candidate in Arizona, too. It's the old "play to the Christopithecus base" in advance of the GOP primaries. You can set your calendar by it. At some point, he'll probably give a speech on States Rights at the Edmund Pettis Bridge.

helmut said...

He'll get his comeuppance somewhere. He may be plain-talkin', but look where that's gotten us.