Friday, March 23, 2007

Paris 3

I've got a meeting at UNESCO in an hour on democracy and human rights issues in the Middle East. It would be cool to live-blog it, but I can't. I have to speak. A rare suit and tie - rare for me. I'm an academic at heart. Besides a series of crappy jobs in high school and college, including the absolute worst working on a pipeline in Texas charging along in knee-deep mud with people trying to kill me, I've always had an academic schedule. (In fact, maybe it's time for a worst-job post next week). I've mostly been party-boy here, but today is responsible-man. I apparently have the genes to do both pretty well (though Helmette appreciates only a certain set of those genes).

Later today some more work for an all-day meeting and presentation next week at the NSF, then dinner with old friends, then meeting up with a former NYU grad student of mine who now lives in Paris. One of the old friends is an Irish guy, a musician who has lived in Paris for 25 years. We're doing a massive music exchange - I brought the external hard-drive, he's been spending the night downloading. More friends on Saturday, then dinner with the in-laws, then back home on Sunday. Quick stops in places like the Pont des Arts to take in the view of the Seine, Pont Neuf, the Eiffel Tower. A few stops in cafes along the way. Lots of walking. Kind of a typical quick trip here.

Thanks for the comments on the previous posts. As always, they're interesting and thought-provoking. More soon....


MT said...

I apparently have the genes to do both pretty well (though Helmette appreciates only a certain set of those genes).

Never mind what the soma says. Anyway, it's probably just her nurture talking.

MT said...

BTW, I was up and down the aisles and all ready to start collecting boxtops for my own trip to Paris, but it looks like UNESCO has discontinued the offer. Sucks. Consider yourself lucky, and not just genetically.