Sunday, September 18, 2005

Oh, of course, our puppy....

Prime Minister Tony Blair believes BBC coverage of Hurricane Katrina is "full of hate" for America, media tycoon Rupert Murdoch has claimed in a speech.

Downing Street has not commented on the speech, made in New York on Saturday.

Mr Murdoch said Mr Blair told him in a private conversation BBC World Service coverage was "full of hate of America and gloating about our troubles".

The BBC said it was committed to full, accurate and impartial coverage and had not received a complaint from Mr Blair.

Mr Murdoch, who owns the Sun, the Times and News of the World newspapers and Sky Television, labelled the BBC a "government-owned thing".

1 comment:

Richard said...

Blair would have us believe that anyone who doesn't agree with him or any of his cronies, is full of hate.

As for Murdoch, let him label whatever he wants, how ever he wants. That suits me fine. His lies enlighten and alert anyone smart enought to read betwen his lying lines.

What multi-billionaires [such as himself] label bad and/or good, in reality are invariably the exact opposite.

[ Unless one's a fellow multi-billionaire, of course.]