Monday, November 28, 2005


Thanks to Neddie Jingo for existing.... See this post.

In Venezuela, I met a trio of women in the slums ("ranchos" -- what Californians call the houses Neddie is pointing out) who ran a soup kitchen in one of the worst -- poorest and most violent -- ranchos of Caracas. The women received a minimal amount of basic groceries from a state-funded grocery store and cooked for over 100 people per day. Beggars, destitute children, handicapped, and others generally ignored by most societies. The women were glad to do their work. The recipients of the meals were happy to have something to eat. And they were all very pleased with Chavez. The little extra funding the women received had enabled them to build a wall in their tiny house that separated the bedroom from the kitchen/main room. For this, they were extremely thankful. A wall. Now look at Neddie's post again.

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