Friday, December 09, 2005

Have a retarded Christmas

Why is anyone worrying about Bill O'Reilly's conspiracy theory about the end of Christmas? Or that utter loony tune with an IQ of 4, John Gibson? Don't be retarded, people. We have several holidays in December and January. Christmas is one of them. I hope you have happy holidays and a merry Christmas. If you celebrate some other holiday, have a happy one of those too. I was raised on Christmas, so excuse me if I'm ignorant about other holidays. But happy holidays, nonetheless. If you're a Fox-watching Christian, have a merry Christmas, but I wish you really shitty holidays for propagating the ridiculous crap I'm now having to read from every blogger out there and even had to get from BBC World Report in the name of the war on, oh whatever.... You're ruining our Christmas, you turds. Shitty Holidays to you, Gibson and O'Reilly.

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