Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Another thing about the SOTU

Barba makes a good point in the comments to the post below - there's little environmental concern in the oil addiction claim.

But another point. You know, this is basically it for Bush. He has two more SOTUs and then he's outta there. This was his opportunity to do something, right or wrong. Reading some of the analyses (see this one in the Baltimore Sun), it appears he made no one - Republicans or Democrats - terribly happy. What's striking is that contrary to his aggressive cashing-in-his-mandate speech last year, this one suggests he took that cash and lost it at the blackjack tables.

He had nothing to offer, no ideas, except slight tweaks to mistakes he has made throughout his presidency. But generally it was a continuation of an ideology that's increasingly at odds with the times. This was the official announcement of the lame duck presidency.


troutsky said...

It was still American exceptionalism and drew a quick response from Iran.When you have to rally that hard for support for the war on terror and Another American Century you got trouble.

I can support the ban on the animal/human hybrids he mentioned after stem cell research.Satyrs are unclean, uncouth, just uncool.

helmut said...

Dude! Satyrs rock! Or at least they have a lot of fun.