Thursday, April 06, 2006

Trashy nude blogging boy

Riffing from a suggestion in the comments to the previous post on the Most Irresistibly Linkable Blog Post in the World, I thought I'd line up my upcoming story by giving you the non-cast of characters. It's not about Whitney Houston or Sharon Stone, no, although I know you wanted that. Britney Spears does not appear nude with Naomi Watts and Natalie Gulbis (?) at Best Buy in this story. The story is also not about the Duke Lacrosse team nor the recent solar eclipse, Ice Age 2, Basic Instinct 2, or Michelle Wie. Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Jessica Simpson are not characters in the story. Kiera Knightley and Jessica Alba almost made it, however, as did Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron, Jake Gyllenhaal, and the XBox 360. This story did not take Mega Millions to make nor did it require any American Idol or other Deal or No Deal. Katie Couric goes completely unmentioned. I like Audrey Tatou, that little French buttonhook, but I'll leave names out of this altogether. Name-dropping is so gauche.

It's too bad, though, since everyone in the story is naked and really hot and sexy!

Stay tuned!


I feel so unclean... and uncomfortable with this "experiment." There's already been a "Jon Stewart" hit.


Naomi Watts too. There's hope in this world. Naomi Watts is one damn good actress. I'm hoping she'll guest blog.


Sharon Stone takes the lead, though the link made it onto a Naomi Watts fansite.

How about this, Ned:


Neddie said...

You know what else really drives up traffic, Helmut? Google image searches. You want to give your photos of fruit really torrid filenames, heavily employing the names you've listed here, and implying strongly that the subjects of the photos are traveling without benefit of attire.

"tamarind ian maguire.jpg"? No!


Nobody's ever gonna know.

Hell, that mention alone's gonna send this post into the stratosphere. You watch. Probably a quarter of my traffic today came in on GIS for "Stephen Colbert's ears."

Plus, wouldn't it be great to make everybody's day just a leeettle bit more surreal?

Neddie said...

Perfect, Sparky.