Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Official Seal-Monkey

Also via Roxtar, the official seal generator.


barba de chiva said...

T-shirts? I'll see if the Horchata Design Syndicate wants to print some up . . .

helmut said...

That would be cool, Barba. Do you like this one, or should we "design" a different one?

Jonathan Versen said...

Shouldn't the monkey be riding a phronesisaical bicesiacal? He could get where he's going faster, and besides, bicesiacling is fun. You could have two versions- one for monkeys who prefer to be quadrepedal, another for for bicycular ones. Forgive me if you think I'm being fussy-- it's a dandy logo.

helmut said...

I thnik you've misspelled it. It's "bisisaical."