Saturday, September 02, 2006

Orwellian Stem Cells

Mitt Romney says,
"I believe it crosses a very bright moral line to take sperm and eggs in the laboratory and start creating human life," Romney told reporters. "It is Orwellian in its scope. In laboratories you could have trays of new embryos being created."
Sorry, Mitt. You are flat wrong.

It's more Matrixian - you know, where the artificial intelligence robot things are breeding humans in towering hives of vats to harvest their blood. It's exactly like that, exactly. Except we're not robots.... Anyway, how would we know that we weren't being tricked into believing it's Matrixian?

So... maybe it's Rosebuddian in that the lifeform that would have possibly contained the stem cell would look back, upon the deathbed, in sorrow at the lost simple life of being a cell in a tray in a lab. Wait, that then means that the stem cell wasn't used for Matrix experiments and has actually grown into a living adult who had a life upon which the adult is now looking back. Scratch Rosebuddian (and its cognate, Madeleinian).

Let's try another tack. How about Pillsburyian? You know, they're on a tray in the lab. "Bun in the oven" and all that. Artificial ingredients. Alas, the scientist as baker doesn't quite fit either. We like bakers. We like what they do. There's nothing like fresh bread....

Put food on your familyian? How about, simply, French? Just around the cornerian? Anti-freedomian?

Aw, screw it. Islamofascistic.


Anonymous said...

Looks to me that, the world inhabited by neo-cons, the caring and nuturing end right after one's birth. These guys go hog wild protecting the unborn and have nothing left for the unfortunate who made a mistake being born.

helmut said...

They do have the upperhand, however, by continuing to breed their kind like rabbits.