Thursday, September 21, 2006


Here's an all-too-rare example of the convergence of Phronesisaical's distinctive focii:

LAKEPORT, Calif. — The pear growers here in Lake County waited decades for a crop of shapely fruit like the one that adorned their orchards last month.

“I felt like I went to heaven,” said Nick Ivicevich, recalling the perfection of his most abundant crop in 45 years of tending trees.

Now harvest time has passed and tons of pears have ripened to mush on their branches, while the ground of Mr. Ivicevich’s orchard reeks with rotting fruit. He and other growers in Lake County, about 90 miles north of San Francisco, could not find enough pickers.

Stepped-up border enforcement kept many illegal Mexican migrant workers out of California this year, farmers and labor contractors said, putting new strains on the state’s shrinking seasonal farm labor force.

Foolishness. An occasional moldy orange is fine for art's sake. But these pears could have contributed deliciously to tartes avec créme frangipane. This is just wrong. I bet Glenn Beck is happy.

Can somebody manage a bad joke about minutemen and orange juice, maybe?


troutsky said...

I would have picked them, Im looking for work, or is that the work Americans won't do? How much for a bushel? I have experience.

helmut said...

Oh, the phructosity!

barba de chiva said...

more than anything else you've said, troutsky, your expression of willingness to labor on a farm for less than minimum wage makes you sound un-American.

helmut said...

OK, as the obvious-humorist, I'll take that obvious softball:

the Minutemaids!


MT said...

"Minutemaids"? So... The pear pickers are women predominantly? And pears are oranges, more or less? And the "Minute Men" of recent news rallied to keep out would-be migrant pickers? Am I ready to get the joke now? I'd like to be. Did you mean to suggest the pear slop in the dirt isn't a natural product but instead is Minute(man) "made"?

helmut said...

Oh, MT.... You're so sensitive.

MT said...

The fruits! Think of all the little fruits!