Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Inspiration Satan

About a decade ago, in a church ceremony baptizing my nephew, I was the godfather. It was all very baptismal. I had a few lines,... questions to answer, really, from the pastor. They were pretty easy, questions about whether I would look out for my godson and so on. The one that gave me pause, however, was "do you renounce Satan?" The pastor glared at me in the eyes - he was serious, although I wanted to burst out laughing. But then I got nervous and paused. The pastor squinted. I thought, well, I don't believe in Satan's existence, so it's pretty easy to renounce him (although there was a brief liberal arts moment of wondering whether his effective existence in myth was enough to grant his existence in practice as a metaphor for the cruelty portion of human nature). In the end, it was kind of like renouncing the X-Men. I answered, with a dab of self-satisfied stentorian flourish, "yes, I renounce Satan!" I may get myself into trouble, and I may get my godson into trouble (when he's of age, of course), but I was pretty sure it would never be through the inspiration of Satan.

When Ahmadinejad says that "Satan inspires Mr Bush," I'm inclined to agree since Bush appears to have the decision-making traits of a Prince of Darkness. But then I remember that Satan doesn't exist and I go back to thinking that Ahmadinejad is kind of kooky.


C.M. Mayo said...

Kooky daze R here. Hilarious post, Helmut. Gracias.

troutsky said...

I smell sulpher!

roxtar said...

Admit it. You were flashing on Michael Corleone. Waiting for Moe Green to take one in the eye.

helmut said...

Careful, Roxtar. The CIA was hanging out here a couple of weeks ago.

But... when I give the secret word, "euzdi,"....

MT said...

But by the Chavez postulate, if Satan doesn't exist, then George Bush doesn't exist. You don't want to deny the existence of George Bush, do you? Well, I guess the Bush we know from TV and speeches truly is an unnatural cartoon character. No flaws in your argument there. I withdraw my point.