Monday, May 14, 2007

The Voter Fraud / US Attorneys Scandal

Josh Marshall has been doing a lot of the spadework on this. But Marty Lederman provides us with a helpful ABCs of the scandal. The central point:
Karl Rove and others went further: They decided to use the levers of federal governmental power -- the prosecution power, in particular -- to go after nonexistent voter fraud, and thereby to further suppress voter turn-out in closely contested elections, all in order to enhance Republican electoral prospects. (Simultaneously, other sorts of decisions at DOJ (e.g., pursuant to the Voting Rights Act) were also substantially influenced by partisan electoral considerations.)


MT said...

Throw in the Comey testimony and it's another spectacular week for what presidents can do without getting impeached. There is nothing holding this administration's reputation together and yet it's like watching molasses waiting for Congress to do anything.

helmut said...

I know. Sweet Jesus. Either Congress just doesn't have any basic idea any more of right and wrong or the administration has some serious ammo against the Dems. It may also be the potential damage - not in the sense of simply not wanting to go through another impeachment. But in the sense that Bush administration figures have shown their willingness to bring down the country before admitting to any wrongdoing or even that they've made a well-intentioned mistake. Look at the Iraq War. Look at Gonzales. Look at Wolfowitz at the Bank. Look at....