Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Herzog down

Anyone who has followed my answers to memes knows that I'm a liberal cultural elitist fan of Werner Herzog, the best film-maker of our time.

He was shot on Friday by a sniper's air rifle.

"Herzog, as if it was the most normal thing in the world, said, 'Oh, someone is shooting at us. We must go.'

"He had a bruise the size of a snooker ball, with a hole in. He just carried on with the interview while bleeding quietly in his boxer shorts." American patriots would not have slammed to the ground, covered by secret service agents, bodyguards, or spewed Mountain Dew?

Update (via WFMU):

Joaquin Phoenix Pulled from Car Wreck by Director Werner Herzog
Phoenix said he was thrown into the passenger seat when his vehicle rolled onto its roof. In the aftermath, the actor said he felt "a bit confused."

"I remember this knocking on the passenger window," said Phoenix. "There was this German voice saying, 'Just relax.' There's the air bag, I can't see and I'm saying, 'I'm fine. I am relaxed.'

"Finally, I rolled down the window and this head pops inside. And he said, 'No, you're not.' And suddenly I said to myself, 'That's Werner Herzog!' There's something so calming and beautiful about Werner Herzog's voice. I felt completely fine and safe. I climbed out."


troutsky said...

Was somebody trying to kill him?

Anonymous said...

Herzog Up! It was a mere flesh wound. Check out the bbc interview with Herzog moments after he was shot in the abdomen with a "air rifle". It would take at least an IED to stop Werner the Great! (makes you wonder if maybe the shooting was stagged for the benefit of the bbc and Werner's erudite fan club):

Neddie said...

"Grizzly Man" was on (I think it was) the Discovery Channel this weekend. Wow. Wowie, wowie, wow. The'll prolly replay it.

Best moment (of many): Herzog alludes quietly to having faced "difficulties" on the sets of his films. It's clear he's referring to Kinski (whose name I simply can't type as anything but "Kinksi" -- which should tell you something).

sskooyd -- we're all sskooyd! The whole system is sskooyd!

helmut said...

I like the story Herzog tells, also in "My Best Fiend," of the locals during the making of "Fitzcarraldo" (I believe it's Fitzcarraldo) asking Herzog if he'd like them to kill Kinski for being a flaming nutjob. Herzog considers it but politely declines, gentleman that he is.

MT said...

The real "making of Fitzcarraldo" movie to see is "Burden of Dreams." It's incredible, and the man is a maniac. An entirely sympathetic maniac I thought until I saw his documentary about the balloon guy, in which with a heavy hand he imposed his dream on somebody else's. Also he didn't eat the whole shoe. But his batting average remains pretty good with me.

helmut said...

"Herzog up!" I knew something was wrong with "Herzog down" the moment I wrote it. He doesn't even say "ouch." I bet Joaquin Phoenix did.