Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Zzzzzz, number 2, except that the US invades while asleep

Here we go, kind of. I'm actually not sleeping on this one. The "Z"s are an oblique liberal elitist cultural reference to Costa-Gavras (who I happened to live next door to for a while during my several years living in Paris as a Gitanes-smoking elitist lefty liberal). Big-time patriots are ready to enlist in the armed forces in order to prevent Iran from having a primitive nuclear device within ten years to rival 1/gazillion of the US arsenal pointed everywhere on the planet. The evidence is, of course, damning. See for yourself. If you don't see, trust. Loyalty is one of the greatest virtues. Virtue is better than vice. Be strong, stout porter! Enlist! It's an Army of One.
Drawings of the unbuilt test site, not disclosed publicly before, appear to U.S. officials to signal at least the ambition to test a nuclear explosive. But U.S. and U.N. experts who have studied them said the undated drawings do not clearly fit into a larger picture. Nowhere, for example, does the word "nuclear" appear on them. The authorship is unknown, and there is no evidence of an associated program to acquire, assemble and construct the components of such a site...

...British intelligence, asked for a second opinion, concurred last year that the documents appear authentic. German and French officials consider the information troubling, sources said, but Russian experts have dismissed it as inconclusive. IAEA inspectors, who were highly skeptical of U.S. intelligence on Iraq, have begun to pursue aspects of the laptop information that appear to bolster previous leads...

...Bush administration officials, convinced that Iran has a weapons program, believe that the body of documentation is the nearest anyone can expect to "smoking gun" evidence....

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