Sunday, September 03, 2006

Peace Is War

The Pakistani military is striking truces with Islamic separatists along the country's border with Afghanistan, freeing Pakistani militants and al-Qaida fighters to join Taliban insurgents battling U.S.-led troops and government forces in Afghanistan.

Western and Afghan officials said the new infiltration came as the United States, its NATO allies and the Afghan government were struggling to stem a resurgence of the Taliban across large swaths of southern and eastern Afghanistan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh that Junior! His friendships are so complicated, I can't make a head or tail out of them. Mussaraf, according to W, is his trusted ally in the war against terrorism and now this! More the things change, more they stay the same. There is a practical traffic jam of old friends and freedom figters (some trained by the U.S.) aiming their hardware on the old buddies. Creepy and insane altogether.