Monday, September 04, 2006

A "'severe blow'"? A "'fatal blow'"?

Compare-n-Contrast CNN's coverage (a "'severe blow'") of the capture of Al-Qaeda's Hamed Jumaa Farid al-Saeedi with The Guardian's story (a "'fatal blow'") about the same.

I can only add the humble suggestion that, in addition to crippling that organization by taking out its "leadership" (as everybody knows that any such self-respecting organization pivots on the little toenail of a Powerful Executive), we put some more flags in the sand. Or, in this case, as it was really the Iraqis who caught the bastard, they should put their flag in the ground there. That'll show 'em. Nothing says "We win" in a way that rings true in all cultures like: sticking a flag in the ground. Even better if it's a hilltop. Sweet victory in either case.

But, hey, in tangentially related news, some 'European' space probe is sending back data from our moon. Didn't they see Stars and Stripes? It's still there, right? I was under the impression that Our Flag Was Still There.

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